Swanson Bay

Swanson Bay (53˚01'00" 128˚31'00" E side of Graham Reach, opposite Princess Royal I), Swanson Channel (48˚46'00" 123˚20'00" W of N Pender I, E of Prevost I, Saltspring I and Moresby I, Gulf Is), Swanson Island (50˚37'00" 126˚42'00" N of Hanson I and Blackfish Sd, SE end of Queen Charlotte Str), Swanson Passage (50˚37'00" 126˚41'00" Between Swanson I and Crease I), Swanson Point (53˚01'00" 128˚31'00" N entrance to Swanson Bay). Capt John Swanson (1827–72) was one of the HBC’s most...

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