Welcome to BC Natural History

BC Natural History is a collection of field guides on a wide variety topics to do with the nature of British Columbia, including plant life, animals, wildlife, and geology. These helpful guides give a visual reference that aide in identification, and include other details like scientific names, locations, and photographs.

Print editions of these and other field guides are available through Harbour Publishing.

A Field Guide to Birds of the Pacific Northwest

By Tony Greenfield, with photography by Penny Hall. This handy guide features 126 common species of birds likely to be encountered in the Pacific Northwest.

A Field Guide to the Identification of Pebbles

By Eileen Van der Flier Keller. Pebbles and sand form when rock is broken down by surface processes such as rain, freeze/thaw, heating and biological activity.

Guide pratique d’identification des cailloux

Par Eileen Van der Flier Keller. Les cailloux et le sable se forment lorsque le roc se désagrège sous l’effet des processus de surface comme la pluie, le gel et le dégel, la chaleur et...

A Field Guide to Insects of the Pacific Northwest

By Dr. Robert Cannings. Insects are all around us, from the butterflies in our gardens to the mosquitoes in the woods. About 80 per cent of the named species of animals on Earth are insects.

A Field Guide to Medicinal Wild Plants of Canada

By Beverley Gray. Nature heals! This compact field guide introduces readers to 26 common Canadian wild plants with extraordinary healing properties.

A Field Guide to Seashells & Shellfish of the Pacific Northwest

By Rick M. Harbo. There are few more enjoyable ways to spend a relaxing afternoon than at the seashore collecting ornate seashells. Pacific Northwest beaches are rich in fascinating treasures.

A Field Guide to Trees of the Pacific Northwest

Tree identification in the Pacific Northwest is easy and fun with this companion to Phillipa Hudson's other nature guides—Coastal Flowers and Alpine Flowers of the Pacific Northwest.

A Field Guide to Wildlife of the Rocky Mountains

This guide by Rocky Mountain resident and nature photographer Hälle Flygare provides an essential look at the mammals and birds one is most likely to encounter in the Rocky Mountains.