Estevan Group

Estevan Group (53˚02'30" 129˚37'30" W of Campania I, between Banks I and Aristazabal I), Estevan Point (49˚23'00" 126˚33'00" SW side of Hesquiat Peninsula, NW of Clayoquot Sd, W side of Vancouver I), Estevan Reef (52˚58'00" 129˚31'00" E of Dewdney I, Estevan Group), Estevan Sound (53˚05'00" 129˚32'00" Between Estevan Group and Campania I, N of Caamaño Sd). Spanish naval officer Estéban José Martínez (1742–98), born at Seville, was posted to San Blas naval base in Mexico. Although...

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