Using Far West

FAR WEST is an authoritative history of British Columbia designed for use by younger readers, either working on their own, or under the supervision of a parent or teacher. The Contents (link on the left) lists the ten main sections of Far West. You may go directly to any section of the book by clicking on it.

RELATED LINKS As you read along you will find boxes with the title "Related Links." These open up a new browser window or tab and lead you to web sites that have all sorts of wonderful stories, photos, movies, quizzes, and interactive features related to the main text.

SEARCHING FAR WEST To search for individual words in Far West, type a keyword in the “Search this Book” box on the upper right of the page. The results will show you in which chapters your search terms occur. To find the specific occurrences of those words in the chapter, go to the chapter then use your browser's search function (CONTROL+F or COMMAND+F) and enter your search terms in your browser's search window.

Have fun learning about British Columbia!