Trekking the Light Fantastic

Posted by Daniel on Apr 9, 2009

I was lucky enough to spend these past two glorious days hiking on the Upper Sunshine Coast north of Lund.

Based at Bliss Landing, we trudged up the powerline road to Sarah Point, the tip of the Malaspina Peninsula and the entrance to Desolation Sound, then hiked back along the upper section of the Sunshine Coast Trail. The trail is the creation of Powell River-area outdoors enthusiasts. Begun in 1992, it reached its present extent, running 180 kilometres from Sarah Point to Saltery Bay, in 2001.

The section we hiked offers several spectacular ocean views into Desolation and Okeover Inlet, as well as a beautiful tramp through an area of old growth forest. Our section was pretty easy going, even for an old guy with arthritic knees like myself, but other sections are considered difficult so best pick up a copy of the guide book if you're thinking of tackling it.

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