Jewish Wartime Internees in Canada

Posted by Daniel on Jan 23, 2013

The Vancouver Holocaust Education Centre has mounted a fascinating, and moving, exhibition about the fate of Jewish emigres from Nazi Germany who ended up interned in Canada as enemy aliens during World War Two.

In 1940 Canada agreed to accept internees and prisoners of war from Great Britain. Among these were 2,284 refugees from Naziism, mostly Jews. They were imprisoned behind barbed wire in camps in Ontario, Quebec and New Brunswick for as long as three years. Finally, in November 1943, the last of the unfortunate prisoners were released into Canadian society. Many remained here and went on to have illustrious careers in their new homeland.

The exhibition continues at the VHEC, near 41st and Oak, until the end of June. The centre's website is here. A separate website devoted to the exhibit is at the Virtual Museum of Canada (here).