Social Studies 10


Grade 10


Government, First Peoples Governance, Political Institutions, and Ideologies:

Sample topics:

  • Consensus-based governance (e.g., Nunavut) and First Peoples self-governance models 
Nisga'a pole raising at Gitwinksihlkw (Canyon City) on the Nass R, 1992. Gary Fiegehen photo
  • Indian Act:
    • Crown- and federal government–imposed governance structures on First Peoples communities (e.g., band councils)
    • Title, treaties, and land claims

Environmental, Political, and Economic Policies:

 Sample topics:

  • Stakeholders (e.g., First Peoples; industry and corporate leaders; local citizens; grassroots movements; special interest groups, including environmental organizations) 
The Raging Grannies protesting logging in Clayoquot Sound, 1993. WCWC

Canadian Autonomy:

 Sample topics:

Canadian Identities:

Sample topics:

  • Immigration and multiculturalism:
    • Cultural identities of subsequent generations (e.g., second-generation Japanese Canadian versus Canadian of Japanese descent versus Canadian)
    • Japanese
Cooking up delicacies at Oppenheimer Park, Vancouver, during the annual Powell Street Festival, 1981. Powell Street was the centre of the Japanese Canadian community in Vancouver before WWII. Rob Draper/Vancouver Sun
Man/frog transformation by Doug Cranmer, 1976. MOA Nb3.1483
  • Place-based identities and sense of belonging (e.g., Haida Gwaii versus Queen Charlotte Islands; “up North” and “back East”; affinity for ocean air, wide-open spaces; spiritual ancestors)

Discriminatory Policies and Injustices in Canada and the World, including Residential Schools, the Head Tax, the Komagata Maru Incident, and Internments

 Sample topics:

Japanese internment camp, Tashme, 1942. BC Archives E-09913


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